A 4x6 satirical illustration titled "Breaking Union Control: SB 1625 and Education Reform," showing a school building wrapped in chains labeled "Union Dues Collection," being broken by a lawmaker holding a scroll marked "SB 1625." In the foreground, children sit at desks holding signs reading "Keep Schools Open" and "Focus on Learning," while shadowy union bosses in the background hold signs demanding "More Concessions," symbolizing the push for student-focused education reform.

Teacher Union Flaunts Law with Illegal Strike

A plan to disentangle state resources from the collection of partisan union dues is working its way through the Oklahoma State Legislature, and could be enshrined in state law within weeks. Legislation that would prohibit school districts from deducting union dues from teacher paychecks passed through the Oklahoma State Senate Committee on Education with overwhelming […]

Teacher Union Flaunts Law with Illegal Strike