Teacher Unions Celebrate Crushing Children’s Hopes

Nine thousand low-income students across Illinois just saw their last hope for meaningful school choice options slip away. Even as state lawmakers let the tax credit program die on the vine, overpaid union bosses could not contain their glee at the childrens’ loss. 

“It’s a new day in Illinois,” proclaimed the Illinois Education Association. No. Unfortunately, it’s just another day where the union stranglehold on public education wins against the best interest of the vulnerable young people the system is intended to serve.

The “new day” Illinois families need to see is one in which public sector unions can’t trample over taxpayers and students to serve their own interests. 

Still believe this is about education? Check out this report detailing the millions of dollars funneled from teacher unions to state lawmakers in Illinois. According to the report, 4 out of 5 lawmakers in Illinois have enjoyed that sweet, sweet union cash. 

Is your state any better? Probably not, but it could be