A stadium scene with a baseball game in the background. In the foreground, a teacher union leader shakes hands with caricatured drag queens symbolizing a controversial activist group. Frustrated parents in the stands hold signs reading "Protect Our Values" and "Education First," highlighting the conflict between union-backed activism and public sentiment.

Teacher Union demands anti-Christian drag queens receive award

Teachers and lawmakers need to listen to what the teacher unions are trying to tell them

The “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” according to Catholic Vote, is “a vile anti-Catholic organization.” Their motto is “Go and sin some more” and they use the cross for pole dances. The group satirizes Catholic beliefs for the sake of activism. They mock Easter Sunday with a Hunky Jesus/Foxy Mary contest. According to the Catholic League, they hold “Midnight Confessional Contests” awarding the “hottest confessions.”

So it makes sense that Dodgers fans came unglued when they heard their team would be rewarding the anti-Catholic, anti-Christian group. The Dodgers withdrew their award in response to customer outrage and disinvited the “Sisters,” but the California Teachers Association stepped in and strong-armed the Dodgers into standing with perverts against the will of their paying customers. CTA’s May 2023 New Business Item states, “CTA shall release a public statement condemning the Dodgers’ recent decision to rescind the Community Hero Award for the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.”

Go ask your state’s NEA affiliate to condemn this behavior. They won’t. They can’t. As outrageous as it may appear to parents, instructing children in the most radical progressive ideology is not a bug of the NEA, it’s a feature. 

The unions expect teachers – who might be personally horrified by the radical agenda – to support them through dues, which in turn are used to elect lawmakers who either advance, or turn a blind eye to, the unions’ degenerate purposes.

This is not about representing teachers, and it never has been.

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