**Alt Text:** A Texas-themed classroom with teacher union leaders and parents engaged in a tug-of-war over a rope labeled "Curriculum and Values." The classroom features a Texas flag, a "Don't Mess With Texas" poster, and cowboy hats, while a chalkboard in the background lists controversial topics like "Religion," "Transgender Policies," and "Radical Ideologies."

Texas union angry that curriculum references Christianity

The Texas American Federation of Teachers is angry that a proposed curriculum would expose school children to historical references to Jesus and Christianity.

In response to the draft curriculum, the Texas American Federation of Teachers (AFT) cited a report from the Texas Freedom Network in its warning that the “materials overemphasize Christianity while giving little coverage to other religions or belief systems” and that its “references to Christianity and its influence and impact whitewash and distort historical truth.” 

AFT has long opposed efforts to ban students from entering opposite-sex spaces — such as prohibiting boys who identify as trans from entering girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms — calling such legislation “exclusionary, regressive bills that hurt children.”

AFT also promotes pro-trans literature like I Am Jazz, an illustrated children’s book based on the life of Jazz Jennings, a trans-identified teenager. The organization is also calling for the repeal of Texas state law that requires educational material to “state that homosexual conduct is not an acceptable lifestyle and is a criminal offense.”

It is amazing that anyone still thinks teacher unions exist to “represent teachers.” The unions tell anyone who will listen what they really do: parasitize the system to advance the most radical ideologies possible. 

Collective bargaining is a stranglehold. Wherever it is allowed, unelected and unaccountable teacher unions insert themselves over parents, taxpayers and lawmakers. This is not about education, and it never has been.

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