A shadowy handshake between a union leader and a Republican lawmaker behind a curtain labeled "No Public Endorsements." In the foreground, parents hold signs like "School Choice Now" and "Stop Union Influence," symbolizing hidden alliances working against educational reform and parental rights.

Texas unions offer secret help to Republican collaborators

Few Republicans can get away with being openly affiliated with the leftist, anti-school choice teacher unions. Always happy to accommodate the fearful collaborators, Texas teacher unions offered the “secret best friends” option. 

In a statement to The Daily Signal, DeAngelis argued that teachers unions aren’t openly documenting their donations to Republicans because such endorsements are a “kiss of death”:

The Texas affiliate of Randi Weingarten’s teachers union [the American Federation of Teachers] publicly endorsed a bunch of House Republicans in 2022. But this year, although they made 77 public endorsements, none of them were Republicans.

Instead, leaked evidence reveals they are supporting ‘Republicans’ in the primaries who voted against school choice in more private ways, including phone-banking and funding a PAC that contributes to some of them. The radical leftist teachers union is trying to hide their support because they know their public endorsement has become the political kiss of death for Republicans.

No kidding. Who would guess? 

Teacher unions hate school choice. They fear competition, and ultimately believe parents should subordinate their own wishes to those of the progressive sages in DC. 

Republicans who work to protect the unions, or just go along out of fear, are endorsing policies and ideologies that they would be embarrassed to recite to their own voters. 

There should never be a choice between school choice or teacher unions. One is an obvious practical good. The other is a burden on everything they touch.

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