A fork in the road with two signs: "School Choice" leading to a thriving school and "Teacher Unions" leading to a dilapidated building. Parents push past a union leader blocking the "School Choice" path.

Voters warn candidates who back unions over school choice

The writing is on the wall for Republican lawmakers who side with unions against parents. Elections in Oklahoma and Texas – among others – show voters are fed up with legislators who cling to the stale status quo of the teachers unions.

From the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs

During his one term in office, Stephens repeatedly voted against school-choice measures. In 2018, prior to his state Senate election, Stephens was a vocal supporter of major tax increases, participating in mass demonstrations at the state Capitol that were largely organized by the state’s largest teachers’ union, the Oklahoma Education Association

McIntosh said families in the district want more educational opportunities for their children, including access to private schools, in addition to wanting lawmakers to improve the public school system.

“We did, especially with younger families, have a lot of people who want the freedom to choose what’s best for their child, and a lot of people who are really interested in us improving our public schools and preparing the children better to meet the demands of the job market and to be able to get out there and be successful and provide for their families when they get out of school,” McIntosh said.

McIntosh’s victory was touted as a warning sign for Oklahoma legislators.

“Tonight’s election result is clear: Julie McIntosh won the approval of voters as a staunch champion for families, while Blake Stephens’ opposition to school choice cost him his re-election,” said Ryan Cantrell, vice president of government affairs for the American Federation for Children. “As Stephen’s defeat shows, Oklahoma parents—in rural, suburban, and urban districts alike—will not tolerate candidates who refuse to stand with their families. Instead, McIntosh’s victory reveals a continuing demand for more education freedom and parent empowerment in the Sooner State.”

Teacher unions are unrelenting opponents of school choice for families. You can have school choice, or you can have teacher unions. There is no fence to comfortably straddle. 

As parents across the country become more vehement in demanding educational options, it is a matter of time before they realize lawmakers serving the union establishment are enemies of the school choice. They are going to vote accordingly. It’s already happening.

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