union bosses at a table of cash

Profound Reflections from Teacher Union Bosses

If you happen to know a Republican who still harbors “live and let live” delusions about  teacher unions, take a moment to send them this (hilarious) piece from Politico. 

National Education Association President Becky Pringle and American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten don’t agree about everything that occurred Nov. 5. “We need to understand the complete story of what the hell happened,” Pringle told your host. Weingarten declared: “The price of eggs, that’s what happened.

Powerful. Lest anyone think that factors beyond Pringle’s confusion and egg prices were in play, the NEA president goes on to declare victory.

“Pringle warns against assuming working-class voters walked away from unions, or from the teacher union education policy agenda.

“Our theory on the case is still solid,” Pringle said. “As we unpack where we made an impact and where we didn’t — and we don’t know that yet — we need to factor that into honing a message to make sure we’re reaching the very people that we need to organize to ensure we have elected leaders at every level who are centering our kids and public education.”

Working class people have obviously walked away from the teacher union policy agenda. That agenda fought to keep working-class children out of classrooms long after parents felt it was safe enough for them to return. That agenda aggressively targets school choice opportunities for low-income and working-class children. 

“Both women acknowledge party supporters are steeped in debate over how to resist President-elect Donald Trump’s agenda, and that it may take a while before a plan can solidify.”

Here is the kicker: Both the NEA and the AFT poured millions into defeating Donald Trump. They represent far-left political entities playing the game with dollars siphoned out of teacher paychecks. These dollars are being collected in red states, using state resources, and fueling the fight against any hint of reform. Why would any Republican-led legislature enable them?

Neither of these union bosses feel the need to even pretend to care about the will of a majority of the voters. There is no pretense of sympathy for scores of millions of people voting for parental empowerment, and less radical ideology in the classroom. 

Unaccountable, unelected teacher unions need to go.

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