“It’s Not About Education”: Completely Unhinged Edition
Texas union angry that curriculum references Christianity
Yes, Texas has unions (Video)
Government compensation 39% higher than private sector
Voters warn candidates who back unions over school choice
Texans shocked to learn Teacher Union cares about religious freedom
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Government unions should not be putting one party’s political priorities ahead of what is best for your children.
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The Writing is on the Wall for Teacher Unions
Well, well, well. It looks like teacher union opposition to Trump did not go unnoticed. The voters demanded sweeping reform,…
Reality Check for Oklahoma’s NEA Affiliate
Congratulations to Oklahoma Education Association president Katherine Bishop for a runaway win of the coveted Blue Ribbon of Irony. In…
Teacher Union Dues Are Funding Kamala Harris
Whether they like it or not, public school teachers across the country helped stroke some large checks to Kamala Harris’…
No, teacher unions and trade unions are not the same
This excellent article by author Phillip K. Howard highlights some of the critical differences between trade unions and collective bargaining…
Texans are paying the unions to fight school choice
“Give us more money,” is the constant refrain of educrats across the land. When the Texas legislature offered more, some…
Texas union angry that curriculum references Christianity
The Texas American Federation of Teachers is angry that a proposed curriculum would expose school children to historical references to…
Teacher Union demands anti-Christian drag queens receive award
Teachers and lawmakers need to listen to what the teacher unions are trying to tell them. The “Sisters of Perpetual…
Texans shocked to learn Teacher Union cares about religious freedom
Texans will be shocked to learn that their local American Federation of Teachers affiliate wants them to have morereligious freedom…
Voters warn candidates who back unions over school choice
The writing is on the wall for Republican lawmakers who side with unions against parents. Elections in Oklahoma and Texas…
Teachers, time to pay up for higher union salaries
The National Education Association (NEA) is desperately trying to wrap up dissent in its own ranks, so it can get…
Chicago Public Schools Beg Union for Mercy
With all the predictability of sunrise, the Chicago Teacher Union has doubled down on reminding the world that they just…
Testing is “Junk science rooted in White Supremacy”
Teacher unions exist to siphon as much money as possible out of the public education system, and pour it into…
Union Dues Fund the War Against School Choice
In her recent address to the National Education Association Representative Assembly, NEA President Becky Pringle minced no words about her…
“It’s Not About Education”: Completely Unhinged Edition
https://youtu.be/60xl22kc03k?si=du8F_1pYWYrvSgd1 It’s important to remember that these are totally normal people, singly-focused on making sure students receive a quality education,…
Government compensation 39% higher than private sector
Keep this chart in mind the next time a teacher union boss complains that taxpayers don’t spend enough money on…
Yes, Texas has unions (Video)
\”MY state doesn\’t have unions.\” Wrong. You do, and you\’re most likely subsidizing them with tax dollars to play politics…
Utah teacher union alarmed by parents having a choice
Burdened by desire for fiscal accountability and the needs of students, Utah’s largest teacher union has filed a lawsuit to…
VIDEO: Students vs. Salaries in 2 Minutes
“Parents must end the teachers unions’ stranglehold on education”
Sooner or later, parents are going to realize that teacher unions are their enemy, and will demand answers from the…
The gulf widens between parents and unions
Teacher unions parasitize the public education system to funnel as much money as possible into political power. It really is…
Chicago Teachers Union wants $50 Billion MORE
Thanks to a leaked document, parents and taxpayers in Chicago can fully let go of any lingering hope that the…
“More vacation” is the Union Solution in Chicago
Joking about the “European model” for paid time off has been standard water cooler fare for a very long time….
Unions start the lie machine in Oklahoma
SB 1513 is headed toward debate on the floor of the Oklahoma State House of Representatives. As we previously noted,…
Unions prioritize politics, not teachers
Teacher unions love to gaslight well-intended taxpayers by painting any attempt to limit their corrosive influence as “anti-education.” They claim…