The Writing is on the Wall for Teacher Unions

Well, well, well. It looks like teacher union opposition to Trump did not go unnoticed. The voters demanded sweeping reform, and any efforts to do so in public education will be met with total opposition from the unions. 

There is a simple, obvious reality for Republican lawmakers relishing the big win. You can’t be on the team and pander to teacher unions.

Republicans who take teacher union donations are paid lackeys of leftist special interests that poured millions into defeating Donald Trump. Imagine the campaign ads that are coming. We can.

Republicans who carry water for teacher unions in state legislatures are literally working with the same groups who fought the Red Wave tooth and nail. Have fun trying to frame that as “supporting teachers” in ruby-red districts. Those days are gone.

Republicans who collaborate with teacher unions are affirming their support for abortion, the sexualization of classrooms, transgenderism, Second Amendment restrictions, directing tax dollars to illegals, and a host of other far-left ideologies pushed for by groups like the NEA and the AFT. 

Republicans who refuse to address the teacher union problem are aiding the most aggressive opposition to school choicein the nation. You can’t have strong educational options and strong teacher unions. The parents just voted for school choice. Pick a side. 

It really is that simple. 

Republican-controlled legislatures can free public education from the burden of unelected, unaccountable (and often completely unhinged) teacher unions. The voters just demanded sweeping reform. It’s time that they got it.

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